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Sunday, September 25, 2011

San Antonio

I went to  Dallas and visited my friends  and let me tell you I found that EVERYTHING is bigger in Texas!  I thought that was a myth but its not even the dogs are bigger-my friend had a bull mastiff which I just wanted to throw a saddle on and ride around the house.
  Welcome to Texas!  First you land at the country's largest airport DFW which stands for Dallas Fort Worth since Dallas and Fort Worth are right next to each other like the twin cities in Minnesota.  The airport covers thirty square miles, and where I saw the biggest American flag ever!
  One of the tricky things about DFW is that when you exit the airport there are many tollways.  Check with your rental car company whether they have an agreement with the tollways or if you have to stop and pay as many of the tollways have the drive through and we'll bill ya later option or hopefully you have an TxT tag in your window so its automatically paid.

If you are limited on time, like I was, there are some must see things.  I chose to go to the new Cowboys stadium and as not fun as that might sound from a girl who only marginally watches football, the stadium was awesome! We took the tour with 30 other people from all over the country at a cost of around 30 dollars per person.  I thought that was kind of spendy for a stadium tour but hey we are in Texas where everything is bigger including cost.  The tour was fabulous and we got to go into the locker rooms of the team,  and the cheerleaders.  (Did you know the team runs through a bar to get on the field?  Nothing like the poor Baltimore ravens who go down into a basement!) 
Beef brisket seems to be a staple in Dallas and you can get it in fancy restaurants and delicatessens -all I have to say on that subject (other than the portion was huge!) is yum.  Not to forget of course the Mexican food, different from ours in the midwest as its probably more authentic and again gets the rating of Yum!

My friend and I decided to take the greyhound from Dallas to San Antonio to save money.  Sounds good right?  Until you realize you have mom's spilling their kids milk (and let me tell you it was a hot stinky ride to san antonio) kids running all over the place and of course there are the drunk guys in the back few rows of the bus that helped me decide to hold it till I got to a greyhound station.  Greyhound stations are not typically in the best of neighborhoods and San Antonio was no different it was however close to downtown and although we might have walked all the way down to the hotel, we chose to cab it with our luggage.  We got to the riverwalk area which was a whole new lifestyle.  There were no homeless people (we heard that they were encouraged to go elsewhere during the conference since we rented out all of the hotels by the riverwalk) The riverwalk itself was gorgeous its a definite must see not only for San Antonio but for the state as well.  There are sidewalks running down each side of the river and you can walk for probably a half hour in one directions if you don't stop at the various boutiques and restaurants.  We went to Texas in July and it was HOT!  No kidding !  Walking along the riverwalk was pretty cool temperature wise because its a little below ground of everything else.  The restaurants are fabulous and its just a generally nice time.  We popped the 11 bucks it cost to go on the river tour by boat and I thought it was worth spending the money once.  If you want to find out the events going on you should check out

We saw the alamo but I wasn't terribly impressed with all that .   The history was interesting,  there was however these great shops across the street from the alamo which sold all sorts of tourist stuff for dead cheap.  Don't waste your money buying souveniors anywhere else!  The other fave spot in San Antinio was the market square.  Its bright colors and mexican flavor is a must for any shopper worth her weight.  There is dancing and singing and of course there is bargains to be had even a little haggling went on with the merchants and the food, while limited, was yummy.  I bought the prettiest dress there to wear with my, you guessed it -cowboy hat, at the suggestion of my sweetie and I love it!  I didn't buy any boots though, you need to spend time and money of boots in Texas!
We rented a car to drive back to Dallas and it was a pretty easy quick ride considering...   The flight home was very welcome as I was very worn out after a week in Texas!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Travelocity sucks

I'd like to write that using travelocity was a great experience, but I can't.  It is user friendly unless you enter the wrong email address as the contact address.  Then it sucks.  I realize that was my fault but apparantly they can send a new password so you can log in to see your trip but they can only send it to the original wrong address.they can't change that. THEY can't change it?  You've GOT to be kidding me, this is a company who makes a gazillion dollars a year and they can't change an incorrect  email contact address.  I'll bet if I entered the wrong credit card number they would be all over contacting me at any address whatsoever!
So I have gone round and round with them and they offered to cancel the trip which would only cost me 600.00 yes that's SIX HUNDRED dollars to cancel.  So here is the lesson be very careful what you ask for and write down the right email address to start with.  I should have sent it to a yahoo or gmail account at least I could create an account to use on their site provided its not already taken.  sigh... more to come about the actual trip later.  I will not be using travelocity again and will just book it myself at  always stick with those you know.I will book all the individual parts air, hotel, parks and vouchers separately since the savings on booking it as a package, while convenient, wasn't significant.  Its just a pain to do it long hand instead of all at once.  lessons learned...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

so you should save

otherwise you can work on a blog for a long time and have it all disappear because you wanted to put a link in it (aaaakkk!)
Anyhow I digress.   I was talking about the mouse.  The southern mouse with the very clean attitude and sun shiny happy people who have no contact to reality.  But there I go digressing again.  So I am trying to book a vacation to Disney World and one of the things I quickly learned is that if a hotel is vacant one day, it could have no avail rooms the next.  No matter what web engine or calling Disney type thing you do they are just not avail the next day.  I thought I would be smart and see if Disney kept some aside for customers that call them direct...they don't.  Another thing I learned is that when you book a Disney vacation through you can't upgrade to business class and there is no cheaper flights with their packages (according to Sue at Disney) so its easier to book it with travelocity where you can book it with your flight and get a discount and then add the day trips you want to take like to Sea World and Universal all from the same website.   I wanted to look at all the hotels to compare pools, lobbies and room amenities so I went to but they were so SLOW, because they must have a bucketful of stuff on their.  They also, surprisingly, don't have any reviews on their hotels from any dissatisfied customers.  I found it was better to go the  and there I found the rack rates throughout the year so if you can have some flexibility in your schedule you can sometimes get upgrades  (but you have to ask and its totally up to the person checking you in) or free meal plans.  I checked out resort pricing of the Polynesian which had an awesome pool, loads of pretties, and was near and dear to my Polynesian heart.  I checked it on Friday and by Saturday it was all booked up.  I checked out moderate priced resorts like my favorite Caribbean hotel which has a great main pools but also smaller pools throughout their property if you don't feel like walking to the main building or being around crowds of screaming kids, ( never know with Disney)  and was priced pretty average for Disney.  Of course I check that on Thursday and it was all booked Friday.  So I am looking at the Coronado which I will book today, and hopefully will still be free.  I'll let you know how that goes.  One of the sites I found particularly helpful was mouse just for discounts and good advice in general.  As always if you have the time to climb through the web you are probably going to save money from people who have knowledge and been there before you this has the added advantage of having honest hotel recommendations as well...

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

from lonely planet blog

Hi there,thought this was great its from lonely planet and I had nothing to do but to enjoy it!

Bend over and cough...

So this is my blog about border wars, most specifically travel through the US/CANADA border.  Now I only have experience with the BC crossings but since the guards are federal employees, I think its a good sampling of what goes on over there.

Recently I had to cross the border, I had all the documentation ready, answers for their questions ie:where are you going, how long will you be there, are you transporting any live reptiles or illegal immigrants...  Its weird because sometimes the border guards, and I am talking about both countries here, can ask where you are going and send you on your way.  My father has been known to say we went to California, were gone for two weeks and we had purchased nothing in the states.  Forget that it was August and school clothes were needed, take into account the two girls bikes we had in the back of the van taking up a huge chunk of room with my sister, I and my grandmother, .  Nope the guard looked at my father's apparently innocent face and said right, on your way then...    Other  times the guards will pull you over, take apart your car with no explanation.  I guess not everybody can be an Eddy.

Here are some things I have learned.
1. Have your passport ready!  You know its coming you are crossing an international border and  no a drivers license won't do in this post 911 age.  How do I know this?  One time on my way to Canada I grabbed the blue passport out of my kitchen drawer and headed to the airport almost late for the plane.  It was then I discovered I had my son's blue passport and not mine but I had NO time to go back home and get mine without missing my plane.  So...I figured, "hey I'm Canadian how can they not let me in?"  Well let me tell you how.  I boarded the bus in Seattle for Vancouver, we got to the border and they wanted proof of citizenship.  I didn't have any of my Canadian documentation just my American Green card, which just wouldn't do.  I said good bye to my fellow passengers on the bus and proceeded to answer questions like where were you born, what high school did you go to?  Who can we call to verify you are who  you say you are...and on .. and on... and on.  This particular guard was very persistant and she wasn't going to let me go without a whole lot of work.  They called my sister who was waiting at the store to pick me up from the bus and she headed down to pick me up.  Well she gets to the border and the guard comes flying out and asks her 101 questions, meanwhile the other guards are saying "hey we would just let you in, obviously you are Canadian but it isn't our call what she does"  eventually she lets me go but she could have just as easily refused my entry which would have been a big hassel.  Believe me when I tell you, I had my passport fedex'd to me overnight international the next day (one I took out a second mortgage to pay for it and curried every favor I could find)  I got home safely but they could  have easily stopped me going into the US because I had shoes that looked to new and I didn't declare them..  it happens -my advice is don't mess with them.
2.Leave enough time
In this day and age when we are rushing through everything and standing in a line for 15 minutes at the doctors office is unacceptable, sometimes we just want to swoop in just in time for the plane.  I have one little word for you.  Security.  It is all depending how many palnes are leaving the airport at the same time you are.  Trust me there are going to be lines...lots of lines.  To be safe factor in at least 45 minutes wait at the border especially and I say this with certainty, if they say the line ups are 15 minutes or when you get to the airport you have to factor in more time for the security line, because it is always longer than you expect -especially if you are running late, because they may decide that you are the one whose luggage needs to be checked, and you need to make time for the undressing, belt, shoes, jacket, computer, loose change and everything else that isn't physically attached to you, then you need to make time for the redressing and repacking all those same items.  Also leave enough time to traverse the airport in search of your gate.  Airports like Dallas and Atlanta, you can walk for a very long time.
3.Have your documents passport and everything out ahead of time for security and make sure you stay with the people you are travelling with.  Alot of time security won't want to break a family up and will do them all together.  In fact there is a family and first time passenger line sometimes and people don't realize it til they are half way through the long security line and they could get in the much smaller line up with their kids who are just running around the rope lines anyway. Have all your 3 ounces or less,  liquids in a ziploc bag that is easy to get out and ready for the xray machine.  You will save so much time!
4.Have good luggage.  Make sure that you have retractable handles not some wimpy luggage pull.  Your suitcase will fall over especially (and I know this for a fact) if you are on a subway and trying to board and get off quickly.  You will be ever so popular if you hold everyone up because your suitcase fell on its side.  I will write more on luggage in a future blog but just make sure its sturdy and well marked.  To avoid paying extra luggage fees you have some options.  A-fly on an airline that doesn't have any fees like southwest. B-Sometimes airlines will let you check two bags for the price of one and you can share the discount with another person -Midwest airlines (I miss their cookies!) C .Pay the full price for each bag but good lord don't let it go over 50 pounds or you are so screwed for the price goes up substantially.  D. Pack your 21 inch suitcase with only what you need, and you can take on two other peices, a purse and small bag.  The small bag has to fit under the seat in front of you so plan well and make sure everything you want during the plane ride is in the bag in front of you.  If it doesn't fit there it will have to get checked.  Usually if they have to check bags at the gate boarding the plane, they won't charge you cause they have to do alot of paperwork and possibly provide change.  Make sure all your paper work is on the plane with you in case you go to San Francisco and your baggage goes to Hong Kong.  Make sure you have a change of clothes, toiletries and medications and anything you can't live without in your overnight bag if you are checking your suitcase. Lastly pack some snacks in your overnight bag, if you can't live on pretzels and soda for your who knows how long flight, then get some granola bars or anything else dry including sandwiches, pretzels or candy.  Something that will tide you over till you get out of the arrival airport.  Heaven knows you don't want to have to stop in the terminal to get something to eat, unless you just won the lottery I suppose.
that's it kids-most of all have fun!

Monday, September 5, 2011

my car rental secret

Today I am going to let you in on a great secret I discovered about car rental.
Car rental prices seem to change with the wind and so do the perks that come with them. offers their book ahead, give your credit card number, name  you own price deal.  I don't like not knowing what I am buying ahead of time, I'm not a huge fan of giving out my credit card number and you don't actually get the price you asked for.  For example, I recently wanted to rent a car in Seattle.  I checked the rental car sites and travel sites (of course-standard operating procedure for travelers) and I found an economy car can cost between $38.00 to 86.00 dollars a DAY.  We are talking small, flintstone feet out of the bottom to make it go-economy car.  So on priceline I took a chance and offered them 25.00 a day.  When you make an offer like that they will send you an actual range they will accept..  So they said if you offer 36.00 a day your chances of getting it are good.  If you offer $33.00 a day your chances of getting it accepted are fair.  So really, that is the truthful range that they will bargain for and not name my own price just conform to their price..  I believe you can only offer once a day so it takes time to do this.
So are you ready for the secret (oh its just like a late night shoppers network cliffhanger...) who have promotional codes and deals that are outstanding with all the major car rental companies.  I ended up with a small KIA SUV for $25.00 per day through Budget rent a car (so chosen because they are almost always in the airport and open the longest hours).  So what I will spend in gas extra is worth being able to seat 3 people and a bunch of luggage for long car rides and I can put my all my family in it at once instead of taking two cars.  When you go through this website it redirects you to the Budget rent a car site and gives you a promotional code for the deal you chose.  I had several to chose from.
Now don't tell anyone the secret!


I've been cross country on AMTRAK a few times and here is what I can say.
COACH means Coach!  If you are going any distance and think coach is cheaper.  It probably is.  Remember that all prices listed are from point A-B not return.  Also it takes ALOT longer to get anywhere and here is the kicker you have to sleep sitting up in your coach seat.   That is comfortable for a three day ride half way across the states-let me tell you!  Be sure to pack a travel pillow (I like the ones with rice in them)  There is no guarantee you will have a second seat to spread out in.  The other option, if you can afford it, is to get a sleeping car which usually come with a meal package but is very spendy.Its worth it though if you are going to be riding overnight anywhere, if you can afford it.  Its generally at least 150.00 dollars more than the listed coach price for a small room with a set of bunk beds and up to 500.00 more per trip for a deluxe room on the trip I took to Milwaukee.   At that point the trip is for pleasure to see the country because otherwise it would be cheaper and quicker to fly.When I took the trains from Seattle to Milwaukee,When you go across Washington state you go through the biggest tunnel in the united states and its 7 miles long (thank God it was at night and I slept through the whole thing) the views were spectacular right up to the middle of Montana where they became flat, farm land all the way to Minnesota.  There is gets much greener and nice to look at.  Having heard of a recent trip to Saskatoon by my lovely son and his dad, the sleeping car is small but comfortable enough -hopefully you are not claustrophobic.  Once again check around for pricing sometimes travel agencies get some discounted prices if you get a package deal (of course!)  So try it-it might be fun if you have alot of time to enjoy it!

travel on the cheap

I have some favorite travel websites but my favorite today is  Its a good comparison website which compares all the other travel sites and the prices they offer.  If you pick a price then the site redirects you to the travel site from which it originated and then you take care of the rest of your business on that site.  It is a handy tool but if you are serious about saving money on flights I would also go to the individual airline websites for flights and prices.  Southwest, for example, doesn't go on the travel websites so you can only buy online from them.  Southwest doesn't charge for baggage which is a plus if you are going for any length of time, but you are loaded onto the plane like cattle with no advance seat selection.  Usually you can get good prices and quicker free trips.  You can upgrade to business and get your seat and the crew on southwest are usually entertaining so that's sort of helps.  All the airlines have web only prices but be aware of the times of the flights both leaving and returning and any connections you may have to make and the wait for the next plane.  One hour is an acceptable time to wait for the next plane (just in case the first plane is late) depending on the size of the airport. 3 hours is borderline to too much because there is only so much you can do at an airport especially if you have to drag your 21 inch carry on bag. 
Alot of times you can find fare deals sometimes with up grades on airline. Almost every airline out there has a points system for frequent flyer miles.  If you book a flight for your family, and you want frequent flyer points you will only get points for your seat even if you booked and paid for the whole family.  They would each need one of the airlines frequent flyer miles card.  One of the things to be careful of is airlines that offer "special deals"  usually cheap fares to larger cities.  Make sure you understand if its one way or return (simple right?) if you get to choose your seats, if you can refund the ticket or  change the reservation.  Basically its like buying a car, make sure that they include the steering wheel and the tires in the purchase.